Thursday, January 15, 2009

Welcome, Big Gary!

Big Gary has come back to see us...ok, well not really us, more like the Shot Show. However, being that we are in the great city of Orlando where lots of fun stuff happens, we get company. My kids love company! Be prepared if you ever come to visit us for lots of climbing & hanging (did I mention you, the guest would be the tree?!). My middle son Bryce is usually the most vocal about it. Last night, we left Big Gary here to relax in peace while the kids and I went to church. On the way home there was some talk if Big Gary would still be there. I did answer yes every time the question was brought up, however, I guess the kids didn't believe me. Bryce came running in first from the garage and I could hear him yelling from the living room "he's here, he's here, he didn't weave!" I love their sweet spirit and love for others. By the way, for all of you that pass my house on the way to whereever, and don't stop, you are missin' the love:)

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