Monday, January 19, 2009

How Frugal can I be?

My mom was in town this weekend and she asked me if I was interested in trying a 6 month frugal challenge. I agreed, and we are going to be putting any spare cash in a savings fund. Why do this? Well, we, like most Americans spend wayyy too much on food and other "necessities". No, this doesn't mean we can't do anything anymore, it just means we are going to try and do it a little more imaginatively. So, the challenge begins. The ticker to the right will show how we are doing. Hey mom, I think I want to start saving up for our property:)
Let the savings begin!

1 comment:

Carel Stiller said...

I think any venture with agreement is bound for success!...We'll test that theory a few times, no doubt...but, I'm in- and a couple ideas to start- Can you devote an evening or night to cooking or preparing all your groceries? You know, cutting up everything, freezing proper portions, making up condiments to throw together, etc. After the kids go to bed, we'll both try to work specific time periods, huh? PS- "Donald" is really mom