Thursday, September 24, 2009


Bert and I have a couple's baby shower to go to this weekend. I did get the usual Target/Babies 'r' Us registry, but I usually prefer put something together that is a little more personal. Generally, I like to make a memory box for the mom-to-be, but this weekend I just don't have the time or the energy to put it together. I did actually go to Target (for those of you that haven't been to the one downtown, ya gotta take the kids there so they can watch the shopping cart go up it's own little escalator!) but just couldn't get my act together. So, this evening I headed to Ross to browse, and I came across this little box of goodies for $5.99: (Box, 1st curl box, 1st tooth box, announcement frame, handprint kit)

Ok, but still a little generic for my taste, so I headed down to Jo-Ann's for a little personalization. So with a little ribbon, bows (glued them over the imprinted bows), a memory box poem, and reusing the announcement frame to decorate the front, I came up with a happy medium. Total for gift? 10.00!

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