Friday, June 26, 2009


Well, the week is over, and the kids had a great time at VBS. I enjoyed it because they served dinner EVERY night! And, every night, it was good! We're sure to put it on our list for next year, that's for sure.
Tonight it was family night, so Aidan and I followed the kids from class to class. In typical one year old fashion, Aidan's attention span was very short. Thankfully each section for the kids were divided into about 15 min sections. One in particular, I thought would keep his attention. Boy, was I wrong! We walked into a class, where the puppet theater was set up. The first puppet, a girl; sang a cheerful little song, which Aidan liked. Then, as I'm looking around the room, Aidan lets out a horrible scream. It was a scream of terror, one I usually don't hear from the boy. I looked toward the puppets, and there are three florescent green puppets ready to start the show. Aidan screamed some more, so we removed ourselves from the room. So, if 30 years later, Aidan has an aversion to puppets, that's why! After that, all went well. The kids and I were sorry to see it end. (Now I have to cook!)
Next week is sure to be just as busy, as the kids are taking swim lessons. Hopefully by the end of the summer, Shelby and Bryce will be out there without the floaties. Still no camera, sorry!
GARRY, if you're out there, COME HOME! We miss you!!!!

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