Wednesday, May 28, 2008

It's morning:(

Well, night came and went with just a small amount of sleep gotten. I've moved the final little boy upstairs to his room, (he's been sleeping in our room in a little crib), and he's not happy about it! I've not slept all night long in many years, wonder what it's like?!?

On another note, I can't stop spending! HELP!!!! It's always for great deals, but how great can it be when I'm spending the phone bill?!? We've done so well this past year paying off credit cards (I miss the reckless spending, but not the bill) and we are heading in the right direction, but in the last 3 or 4 months, I've not been balancing my checkbook daily. I hereby swear to balance daily......that is, now that you are out there holding me accountable!!!
PS--the only smart thing I've been doing is funding my Prosper account. That small amount of money I would have blown is actually drawing interest, and helping another out...what more can one ask!

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