Friday, August 20, 2010

Could you spare a couple of minutes?

After all, you are here. Must have LOTS of time to kill:) Anyway-if you have a moment and would like to check it out-it would be awesome!!
Surf on over to the Pepsi Good Idea and vote for our personal choice-TRC Ministries.
It's a family favorite and we would love to see them make one of the 2 who, if wins, will receive $$ to expand in what they do. In the past week, they have moved from 130 up to 74. We only have until the end of the month to move them up to the top. Take 2 seconds and vote-you can each day; and in doing so you can change someone's life for the better (come on-you don't want to feel guilty for not reaching out, now do you?!?) While you're at it, you have nine more votes for the day. Browse the site-make someone else's day too!
Ok-good job-you can pat yourself on the back for doing your good deed for the day. now on to the next...
I have a friend hosting her first giveaway at A Spiritual Thread Runs Through. It is a rather unusual giveaway-however, one that I think is pretty awesome. And although I've known her for several years, her new blog has opened a window into her life that I knew not before and I love to keep up on. Like the rest of you (hint, hint on those that are NOT updating regularly-you know who you are!) I love to peek into your windows without having to worry about the cops carting me off for being a Wee Willie Winkie:) So, you've already spent this much time aimlessly surfing, spend 5 more minutes and check her out-you might be pleasantly suprised.
Happy surfing!

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