Thursday, August 9, 2012

Update on Peanut-Thurs

It's us again. Dr. Cobian was partly right. She said Shelby would be having so much fun at the Disney Pavilion that she wouldn't want to come home. Yes, we are partying with Disney, but I'm pretty sure she would go home if possible:)
Not much has changed, ped Dr came in this morning and said most samples have come back and everything is negative (no infection or bacterial). The GI dr just came in and ordered an endoscopy and colonoscopy for tomorrow.
Shelby's hanging in there-a little hungry but we are plying her with popcicles. Brought the boys in today to hang out with her so betweem them and Timon (Lion King) bearing goodies and the outrageously large stuffed dog hunny's boss brought in (thank goodness Shelby has a spare bed!) she has plenty to keep occupied. Thanks to all who have sent a shout out-she really appreciates it! As Tigger would say...ta ta for now!

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