Saturday, August 8, 2009


April 18, 1990

Dear Sis,
As usual, I'm behind on my writing, but here goes. Ok, I'm trying to decide which to do for the summer. I don't know if I can fit all the above in; besides, won't I look silly in a tutu? Still, I'm game for whatever comes our way. I can't wait to do it all--together (did you realize together would include 5 children!?!) . I forgive you for the way you acted, I'm sure I'm not the perfect sister that everybody else believes me to be (snicker). On second thought, I think a tutu would do wonders for my figure:)
Love ya too,
Your big sis.
PS-You are not a brat (at least all the time!)

LOL-as I'm cleaning out my garage tonight I came across this-thought I would share!

1 comment:

Allison said...

Oh my word that is precious. Almost made me cry. :-)