Saturday, August 11, 2012


Sorry for the delay-it was a long day yesterday and when all went home I curled up in bed and went right to sleep. I heard nothing for about 5 hrs; good thing Shelby didn't need me!

Yesterday at noon Shelby was scheduled for her tests. That meant by 4am she could no longer eat or drink. She's been on clear liquids since Wed so by yesterday morning it had really worn her down. In hopes of keeping the tears to a minimum I texted her friends and cousins requesting a pic to cheer her up. Thanks again to everyone who sent in pics-they trickled all morning, and really helped her spirit:)

Initial results are she has Ulcerative colitis. Thanks to sis-n-law Michelle for relieving our minds; we weren't sure how upset we should be-Google results can be frightening! The colon and large intestine can get irritated, thus the upset stomach and other issues. Knowing what is going on helps:)

Anyway, she was a much happier
camper in the afternoon. Visits from Jen, Logan, Rachel, Gma, Papa, Sara and Gage plus our boys (yes, all at one time-I should have taken pic-it was packed in her room!), and dinner was ordered, and although it's still hard for her to keep much down she didn't seem to care. Antibiotics have been started and at this point we are now waiting for biopsy and a few other test results to come back. From what I gathered, we will prob be here thru the weekend.
So, that's it for now-Garry went on to CO for the wknd with Gma and Papa and the little boys went home with Sara, so it will be a quiet wknd here. I did mention to Shelby maybe next time maybe we could just go to Disney World instead, and with a twinkle in her eye she responded that she would not get such great attention there:-)

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